Delicious dessert recipe for yoghurt rasperry mousse.

Ingredients (for 8 servings)

For the rasperry mousse:

200 g rasperrys

juice of one lemon

260 g whipping cream

80 g  icing sugar

for the yoghurt mousse:

200 g natural yoghurt

juice of one lemon

260 g whipping cream

80 g  icing sugar

2 egg whites

30 g sugar


For the rasperry mousse. Cool some glasses in the fridge. Start with the rasperry mousse. Beat the whipping cream until the cream is stiff but fluffy. Mash the rasperries. Mix it with lemon juice and the icing sugar and stir the fruits in the whipped cream. Put the cream half full in glasses and cool them.

for the yogurt mousse.

Beat the egg whites with the sugar. Whip the cream to a fluffy cream. Stir in the yoghurt, the lemon juice and the icing sugar in the beaten egg whites. Put the yoghurt mousse on top of the rasperry mousse and put it in the fridge for about six hours or overnight.

Tip: If you want you can prepare just one flavor of the mousse.

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.s. cookingCatrin

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