
for the cake base:

6 egg yolks

6 egg whites

150 g sugar

150 g grated almonds

30 g grated ladyfingers

1 pkg. baking powder

50 g chocolate sprinkles

for the filling:

500 g cream

1 pkg. vanilla sugar

50 g instant Latte Macchiato powder

2 tbs. sliced almonds


For the latte macchiato cake base: Prepare a round baking dish with baking paper and heat the oven to 160 ° degrees hot air. Separate the eggs and cream the sugar with the egg yolks. Stir the almonds, the crumbled ladyfingers and the baking powder in. Beat the egg whites until stiff and stir it carefully with thee chocolate sprinkles in the dough. Fill the dough in the baking form and bake it for 40 minutes. Cool it down in the oven. Cut a 1 cm thin lid of the flan base and crumble it.

For the cream: Stir the cream with the vanilla sugar and the instand Latte Macchiato powder to a stiff cream. Put the flan base in a cake ring and fill the cream on the base. Dredge the cake crumbs on the cream. Roast the sliced almonds without fat and put it on the cake. Chill the cake in the fridge for at least 6 hour.

Top it with powdered sugar.

If you want to you can prepare the latte macchiato cake base on the prior day. You can use instant cappuccino powder or iced coffee power instead.

.s. cookingCatrin