
4 chicken breats

2 cups basmati rice

400 ml coconut milk

100 ml vegetable broth

2 garlic gloves

1 tsp fresh, granted ginger

½ green chili

100 g broccoli

1 tsp curry powder

juice of one lemon

virgin olive oil

salt & pepper


Boil the rice in the double amount of salted walter for 10 minutes. Roast the granted ginger, the small cropped chili and the chopped garlic cloves in olive oil. Cut the chicken breasts and the brokkoli in pieces, put it in the pan and roast it with the spices for a few minutes. Pour it with coconut milk and the vegetable broth and let it cook for about 15 minutes over medium heat. Flavor it with curry powder, salt and pepper and stir the freshly squeezed lemon juice in.

Serve the green chicken curry with the basmati rice.

.s. cookingCatrin